I believe
that every one of us has a talent, a creative potential through which you can shine, inspire and contribute to uplift of the world. Either it is making music, taking pictures, cooking meals, making coffee, flying rockets, driving busses or teaching yoga we are born with a mission that is planted deep within and waits to be awakened and flourish. We are all given different talents through which divinity manifests.
My mission is to share what I was given, to bring authentic pure yoga into all niches of life and people through workshops, teacher trainings, master classes, retreats
I have studied and practiced Yoga for more than 20 years, learning form the greatest living Yogis and Masters in India. Living Yoga and believing in Yoga that can transform you and you can bring a change into the world.
To fulfill your lifetime mission and grow you need balance between a clear mind and a healthy body. The balance is the foundation and they are the vehicles for the expression of your creative potential on earth. The best and easiest method to stay balanced, and to keep the body and mind clear and healthy, is Yoga!
If you are looking for transformation and ready to design the best version of you, then dare the plunge and join the yogic ride.
I will be happy and humbled to share my deepest insights with you!

Some of my education:
Yoga Teacher – 500hrs – Yogapoint/ India
Advanced Yoga – 250hrs – Yogapoint/ India
Yoga Therapy – 800hrs – Yogapoint/ India
Psychology & Philosophy – 100hrs – Yogapoint/ India
Mediation – 100hrs – Yogapoint/ India
Pre & Post Natal – 100hrs – Yogapoint/ India
Kids – 100hrs – Yogapoint/ India
Yoga Nidra – 100hrs – Yogapoint/ India
Chakra Sadhana – 100hrs – Bihar School of Yoga/ India
Kriya yoga – 200hrs – Bihar School of Yoga/ India
Sundariya Lahari- 50hrs – Bihar School of Yoga/ India
Ashram life – 3years – Yogapoint & Bihar School of Yoga
Ayurveda & Pancha Karma – 250hrs – Ayurveda college Kanur/ India
Reiki Master – Tibetan + Japanese + Indian
Pressiana has given me an advanced understanding of yoga practice. Taking some private yoga therapy classes with Pressiana has helped me to solve two outstanding physical problems I had for years. Solid technical competence, good observation and listening ability of participants, a delicate sense of humour are Pressianas excellence features as a yoga teacher.
Thanks to her experience Pressiana has the ability to guide everyone through her yoga classes regardless of the level of the participant.
The Yoga classes with Pressiana are wonderful!
I loved it! I enjoyed all the courses!
Pressiana’s Yoga ist für mich wie eine „ Energietankstelle“. Ich komme müde, schlapp, gebückt und gehen energiegeladen, kraftvoll und ausgeglichen wieder weg.
Pressiana kann alle Teilnehmer sehr gut motivieren und geht auf individuelle Bedürfnisse ein. Der Unterricht ist abwechslungsreich und spannend.
Pressiana is the best teacher I know:
Sehr effektiv, aufmerksam, sorgfälltig, intensive, verantwortungsbewusst, excellent, absolut professionel.
Pressiana kann hervorragend mit allen Menschen kommunizieren und schafft damit in jeder Yoga Stunde eine sehr angenehme Atmosphäre. Viele Freundschaften entstanden nach den Stunden.
Die Yoga Lektionen mit Pressiana sind sehr abwechslungsreich und manch mal überraschend. Die Erklärungen sind gut nach zu vollziehen, sind fundiert und die Übungen sind auch für nicht so geübte gut auszuführen. Es macht Spass und tut Körper und Seele gut!
Die Meditation vor und nach der Stunde ist so was von erholsam! Das Yoga Nidra tut der Seele gut und Pressiana’s sanfte Stimme schmeichelt dem Ohr.